Monday, July 15, 2013

Another One For The Books

Today started out like any other Monday. I woke up way too early, ate breakfast, and went to work. Mondays at summer school is hike-in-the-redwoods day, so we did exactly that. The beach yesterday and the redwoods today. My soul feels rejuvenated. Then I realized I had left my workout clothes in a pile on my bed, so I stopped by home to grab them. And a special event occurred.

That's right! I shared food with boyfriend again! I feel like I am really making big strides in my newest goal of starting to share food more. This marks twice in one month!  

In all seriousness, I feel that my not sharing food issues began when I was in the deepest depths of my eating issues and I only allowed myself certain foods, so if someone ate some, I would have a panic attack because that was the ONLY food I was going to eat for the day. But, it's time for me to get over my strange issue and actually share.

School goes by surprisingly fast compared to how I remember undergrad. It might have to do with the fact that I am so passionate about my chosen field that it doesn't feel like work to read assignments or talk about the classroom. Of course, I immediately went to the gym to bust out a few miles and do some deadlifts.

I came home starving, but forced myself to shower first. I came out of the bedroom and the boyfriend started laughing at me and begged to take a picture. He was obviously very jealous of my high fashion and is scared I might leave him in the dust when I become a famous fashionista.

My socks have helped immensely in the last couple of hours, though. I am now a Procompression believer! I hope everyone had a marvelous Monday!!


  1. I love compression socks after a run!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. You should! It's 40% off everything this month (I think). I've been thinking a lot about you lately and how much I really, really miss you.

  3. lmao that looks like my post-shower outfit of choice, too!

    1. It's the best post-shower outfit, I must say.

  4. Procompression socks are the best. I started wearing them this Spring. love your hot pink ones :)

    1. Thank you! You'll notice I love pink. I don't even realize it myself until I look at my pictures and realize that I own A LOT of pink. I think it's just because it makes my skin look darker and less blemishy.
