Monday, January 21, 2013

No Work Monday

It was so nice this morning to be able to turn off my alarm when it went off and go back to sleep.  I was in a deep sleep this morning when my mom came in to tell me the inauguration was starting on TV.  I looked at my clock and it was only 8.  I was planning on sleeping in as long as I could, but I felt that I should be a good American citizen and watch it.  I got a fair amount of knitting done while watching it, so that felt pretty good.

When it was over, I crawled back into bed hoping to get some sleep, but I was already wide awake and couldn't will myself back to bed.  So I got up and lifted some weights.  I hadn't lifted in a few days, so it felt really good to pick up some heavy things and put it back down again.

The mushrooms were ready to harvest this morning, so boy picked them and then measured them.  They were 8 inches tall!  It was pretty sad to see them get picked, but hopefully a new batch will start again soon and this time we know what we're doing, so hopefully more will grow.

Our ginormous mushrooms next to a ruler.

Yesterday, I read in the newspaper that a new Mongolian BBQ place had opened up in the town next to ours.  I got so excited, I asked my family if they wanted to go to it for dinner tonight.  Well, my brother had to work tonight, so we ended up going for lunch.  Mongolian BBQ has a really special place in my heart.  When I was going to school in Santa Barbara, I would visit my step-sister on a pretty regular basis in Long Beach.  We found this amazing little hole in the wall place in Inglewood that looked as though we may get shot walking into it, but it was so delicious the first time that it became our spot to eat whenever I visited.  We would stuff ourselves then got back to her apartment and eat Pinkberry out of containers that she got to take home every night when she got off work.  It definitely brings back some pretty good memories each time I eat at a Mongolian BBQ restaurant.  Plus, you can make it as healthy or as unhealthy as you want.  I never put noodles in mine and I load up on the meat and veggies.  It was the perfect lunch (plus I hadn't eaten a proper breakfast).  And it was cheap!  It was less than $40 for the four of us.  They are brand new so they are still trying to figure things out, but they will get the hang of it in no time.

Before shot.

After shot.

When we were finished with lunch, we went to our local, organic frozen yogurt shop on the other side of town and the boys and my mom got yogurt.  I opted out, as I usually do when it comes to ice cream type stuff.  Then we walked to a little park and enjoyed the sunshine.  It was an abnormally warm day for January.  I hardly even needed a jacket, and that is saying something.

64 degrees in January is really rare.

We got back home just in time for the boy and me to leave again to go on a coffee date with my good friend who I've known since 1st grade.  She has a new boyfriend, so it was time for me to meet him.  I love seeing this friend.  She is absolutely hilarious and I am always laughing super hard when we are together.  Her mom and I work in the same classroom, so it's good that we have that connection too.  It's funny that I work with two of my friend's moms, so I see their parents more than I see them.

The boys got bored with our girl talk.

This is what I look like every time we hang out.

It was dinner time when we got home.  Since we had gone out to lunch, we didn't really plan on making a huge dinner.  Boy cooked up the mushrooms in coconut oil infused with garlic, some salt, and pepper.  They were so delicious.  I roasted cauliflower and broccoli, made some eggs, cut up some carrots and apples, and ate some nuts.  It was a great snack dinner.  Some nights those are the best.

Boy preparing mushrooms.

My dinner.

Tomorrow is an inservice day, which means we have to go to work, but the kids won't be there.  I have an appointment first thing in the morning with my principal to talk about my future and getting my teaching credential.  I am really nervous about this.  I shouldn't be nervous, I know exactly what to say, but it feels like I am going in for a job interview, when really it's just me finding out what is possible and what would be the best way to go about getting my credential, since there are a few different ways.  Everything always works out the way it should.  

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