Sunday, January 20, 2013

An Extra Saturday

This weekend is a three day weekend, which means today was like another Saturday.  It's always really nice to know that I can relax and not worry about falling asleep at a certain time and having an extra day to sleep in is always fantastic.

Today started early for me.  After finally falling asleep at around 12:30, I woke up wide awake at 7:50. I laid there trying to fall back asleep, but just could not.  My nose was extra stuffy and my annoying swollen glad was giving me a huge headache.  So I just laid there on my computer until 9 when the boy had to wake up because we had to be to his mom's house by 10 for our weekly brunch.

Of course, the first thing we did was check on the mushrooms.  They literally have been growing before our eyes and everyone in our house has become super excited about them.  They are actually supposed to be growing in clusters, but we've only got three good ones growing.  We think they weren't packaged right, but it's seriously amazing to watch them grow.  Most plants don't grow that quickly.

They're really pretty!

Then we went to his mother's house where she had frittata in the oven and lots of coffee for us.  I had asked her to teach me how to knit a hat earlier in the week, but I had to cancel because I didn't want to spread my nasty germs to her, so that's what we did while we waited for breakfast to cook.  Ben was kind enough to help his grandma put seats back into her van that she had taken out for a trip and then stack wood.  It's really nice to have bonding time with his mom.  She's one of the sweetest people I have ever met.  She's so selfless and just loves so easily.  She has really helped me feel at home and very welcome in their family.  She also bought me some knitting needles and helped me get started on the hat.

Frittata, coffee, and knitting.  Perfect for a Sunday morning.

Boy's grandma came from her house to visit for awhile with her three adorable Boston Terriers.  I LOVE Boston Terriers.  They are so sweet and hilarious.  I was covered in dogs for about 20 minutes.  It's a bit overwhelming, but I love it.

Can you tell I'm a bit sick?

There they all are.  So much action everywhere!

I sat and knit for about an hour while boy stacked more wood.  It was gorgeous outside and it was very nice to soak up some much needed vitamin D.  I lost energy really quickly all of a sudden, so I told boy I wanted to go home and nap.  Some time between leaving his house and getting back to my house, my lack of energy turned into antsyness and I needed to move my body.  Boy did not like the idea of me running, but I still got into my clothes and hopped on my dad's treadmill.  I'm still not ready to brave the chill in the air.  I usually MUCH prefer running outside, but I already should be taking a break, so running with a chill in the air is even worse.  The boy came in at about 40 minutes and told me I had to stop and threatened to unplug the treadmill.  But I won, and ended up running the full hour that I planned on running.  I felt SO much better after running.  

There I am in all my glory.

Today's damage.

My dad made a fantastic dinner of salmon, shrimp, chopped salad, and gluten-free cornbread with jalapenos.  I think shrimp is my favorite sea food, so I went a little overboard with the shrimp.  But it was SO good.  We also had fruit and whipped cream again for dessert.

Dad working away in the kitchen.

Boys doing their boy thing and watching football.

After dinner, I spent another hour knitting my hat while boy played chess with my step mom.  Now we are home and I am distractedly trying to blog about my day.  Tomorrow is another lovely day off.  Hopefully I can sleep in a little bit.

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