I started this blog as a way to keep myself accountable for my 365-day challenge. Since then, however, I have made some really amazing blog friends who motivate me and keep me entertained. I honestly feel as though these people are truly my friends and if we met in real life, we'd have endless topics for conversation. That being said, one of my favorite, most motivating blogs that I read is Heather at Girl Goes Running. She recently nominated me for the Liebster award, and I am truly honored.
From her blog, "[The] Liebster Award is an award to help promote new bloggers. The word Liebster is German and has a few different meanings such as dearest, lovely, and valued.
There are a few simple rules that you need to follow:
- Mention the person who nominated you with a link in their blog.
- Answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated you.
- Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers.
- Create a new set of 11 questions for your nominees to answer."
Here are her questions for me:
1. What is your favourite distance to run? I really love the half marathon distance. It feels long while you're in it, but once it's completed, it feels absolutely perfect. I also really liked the 15k. That was a great distance.
2. When did you start running? I started really running in September of 2007. I had a school assignment that required us to do at least 30 minutes of activity a day for the entire semester in order to get an A. I got an A and lost 10 lbs.
October 2007.
3. What is your favourite brand of running shoe? My heart is with Asics, but I have a new found love for Mizunos. I adore the pair I received for my birthday.
4. Solo Runner or Buddy Runner? Lately I have been a solo runner. But my best runs and races have been with my beautiful running partner.
5. Favourite post-run snack? I always snack on grapes, carrots, bell peppers, and eggs after a good run.
6. What made you start blogging? I have been blogging since I was 15-years-old, if you can believe it. My first blog was on Xanga and it was a bunch of whiny teenage rants with a whole lot of random quotes I found. Back then I read quote blogs like I read running blogs now.
7. Do you have a pet? If so what kind? Of course I have Milo (who's been with his dad for way too long) and Moe. Then boyfriend just recently added to our dog collection with the puppy.
There are a few extras in this photo...
8. What is something not related to fitness that you think others don't know about you? My dream is to teach my own Special Day Classroom. My heart is with the moderate to severe population of Special Ed students. Since this is a fitness blog and not an education blog, that part of me doesn't come out very often.
9. What is your favourite TV show? Friends. Hands down. I've seen each episode so many times I can quote it. It's the same with Sex and the City.
10. What do you do with your race bibs? Right now they are all currently stuck under a desk in my room. I have big plans for them to be put up somewhere.
11. What is a pre-race ritual you have? I always seem to eat Pho the night before a race. But that might be because I always eat Pho.
All of the blogs that I read who have less than 200 followers have already been tagged, I believe, so I am not going to tag anyone. I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about me. And another huge thanks to Heather!