Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Almost Like Another Day Off

Not only did we have a three day weekend, our district planned an inservice day for today, so the kids didn't come to school today.  We spent the first half of our day at our county resource center learning about what's available to us as educators and the second half of our day in the classroom prepping and cleaning.  It's always nice to have a day where the adults can talk and spend time with one another.  Most of our days are so busy and obviously centered around the children that we have no time to catch up and discuss students, except for one half hour meeting a week.

Tuesday is the day my cousin and I have started working out together.  She came over and we set up a pretty good circuit routine.  We do 4 exercises in each round and we do each round 3 times.  We did 4 rounds, so we ended up doing 16 exercises three times each.  We alternated between upper body and lower body, with one round focusing purely on the core.  I'm not a big fan of core exercises, since the big compound lifts should work the core enough, but these were pretty good.  And with all the running I've been doing, I should add in some extra core work.

Tried to get a picture of our set up and my cousin.  Didn't work so well.  We didn't just use a tiny kettlebell...

Definitely not looking forward to this workout.  Too tired.

Keeping track of what we did.

I was pretty tired before we started and I was even more exhausted afterward.  I'm definitely still fighting something.  I almost wish my body would let me get full blown, knock down sick so that I can get over it and not have this lethargic feeling constantly for several weeks.  Came to find out that the majority of the people in my classroom were also feeling sick and fighting something off all weekend.  No fun.

For dinner I made lemon-garlic shrimp with vegetables.  I've been trying to add way more vegetables to my diet.  I already ate a lot, but I constantly snack on fruit, so I am trying to switch to veggies.  I love carrots and green beans.  This recipe was delicious and I added way more veggies than it called for.  I also added rice because I'm a little carb obsessed and rice is my go-to carb since I don't eat gluten.  It was a really great light dinner.

Finished product.

I spent the rest of my time this evening filling out my credential program application.  I was supposed to do it last year, but my heart wasn't really in it and I still had my position in my very favorite classroom for one more year and I needed to save up money because I won't be able to work and student teach at the same time.  But I went and talked to my principal this morning about options and I really need to start filling this out.  So, I signed up for the big scary test in March and will be going to a study session on Saturday.  I am really serious about it this time.  I spend 20 minutes on the phone of my university trying to get my password so that I could print out transcripts, but it would not let me sign in, so I have to call back tomorrow.  I will also have to have all of my transcripts sent AGAIN as I did last year.  I find this completely crazy because I completed my undergrad at this school, so they have at least three copies of my transcripts already.  It's super frustrating.

It's happening.

I am now in bed completely exhausted.  I am in shock that tomorrow is already Wednesday!  Seriously, where do the days go?  

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