Sunday, April 27, 2014

How Is It Sunday Already?

I swear these weeks keep going faster and faster. Suddenly it's Sunday and I'm preparing for Monday all over again. This weekend went so fast. Friday I began housesitting for some friends and I was in charge of their poor sick dog. We picked her up from the vet and hung out with her all weekend.

Saturday morning, I spent time with the dog and did some important things, like my resume. Jobs have started being posted, so I'm on a deadline now. I left boyfriend to hang out with the pup while I spent two hours at the gym with my leading lady.

We worked our butts off. Well, we did arms and abs. I cannot lift my arms this morning. The rest of the night I spent being Domestic Debby.

I made beans from scratch, brown rice, and steamed vegetables. I felt so accomplished. I topped it with Braggs Liquid Aminos, which I may or may not have a slight obsession with.

Today, my friend asked if we wanted to adventure with her. I haven't been in nature for awhile and was really needing a large dose of it. I was able to run 10.5 miles before we left for the hike.

It was lovely out. Not too hot and not too cold. We hiked our favorite spot called Strawberry Rock. This is the view you're rewarded with at the top.

Of course, we feel like rockstars at the top.

I tried getting a good picture of us, but I just ended up looking like a goober.

I love the great outdoors. It is really good for my soul.

This is the rock that we literally have to crawl up. I should take up rock climbing.

We also had to pose for our annual kiss-on-the-cheek photo. Words cannot describe my love for this woman.

You may have noticed my purple Under Armour jacket. I recently purchased that at a garage sale for ONE dollar. Best purchase ever. The night ended with Sunday brunch for dinner since my dad has been out of town for two weeks.

Watermelon season is my favorite season. I am now heading to bed. Have an amazing Monday!

Do you need nature to survive?


  1. I love photos of puppies "driving" cars! They always make me smile! I hope the dog feels better!

    I'm so jealous of your hiking!

    1. Come visit California and I will take you hiking all over the place!!

  2. A $1 UA jacket?! That's unreal. Luckyyyy. Good luck with the resume-making. How's the job market there?

    1. I have no idea what they were thinking. It might have been someone's actual jacket that they left while trying stuff on...? I finished my resume today with the help of my dad. The job market for Special Ed teachers is pretty good. There are already about 5 local jobs posted. So nerve-wracking!

  3. I love the doggie in the cute! I can't believe you got that jacket for $1!!!! Happy Job Hunting!

    1. Thank you so much! I am so nervous about interviews, but excited to start the next step in my journey.

  4. Good luck job hunting! I hope you get your classroom :)
    Sweet find!
    All pictures are gorgeous! You are gorgeous!
