Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Why I Love Circuit

My love for weight lifting began in a class at the gym called Circuit.  I was brave one day and decided to go try something different from my usual cardio routine.  The next day, I was so sore I could barely function.  The class ended up having the same people every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and soon we were known as "The 4:30 Favorites," because we are the trainer's favorite group of people.  I fell off the circuit wagon for about 8 months because I was so busy with school and work and wasn't able to attend at 4:30.  Now, I am back at it again and have fallen even more in love.  Here are a few reasons why I love my circuit class.

1. It's different every single day- I am the queen of routine.  I will find something I like and stick to it for months.  Even years.  I had a smoothie every single day for about a year for breakfast until I finally got tired of making it every morning.  One of my very favorite things about Circuit is that I have no idea what I am getting myself into.  She has a different workout as well as a different style of workout every day.  One day it may be 15 stations twice through, another it may be a deck of cards workout.  It's literally always a surprise.  

2. It makes me sore-  There's nothing like a good bout of DOMS.  I love, love, love feeling sore.  It means I worked harder than I usually do.  Yesterday, she had us do this strange swimming type thing on a mat with washcloths.  It looked easy (and completely stupid), but my shoulders were burning.  Today, I can hardly lift my arms.  It's such a good feeling.

3.  Burpees- I don't do burpees on my own because they are a special form of evil.  But you can bet that my trainer puts burpees into every workout she designs.  Why?  Because she hates us.  That's why.  But they are one of the best exercises that one can do, so I secretly love them.

4.  The people- While I love a good solo workout, there's nothing quite like working out in a class setting.  Everyone is super encouraging and helpful.  The group atmosphere is amazing.  I can walk into class in a terrible mood and walk out of class forgetting anything was ever wrong.  Everyone has an amazing sense of humor and we are always giving our trainer a hard time.  This was posted in our Facebook group awhile back.

5. My trainer- I'm not sure how long I would have stuck with this class had it been a different instructor.  She is one of the most fabulous people I know.  She is more concerned with whether you are doing the exercise correctly than if you are doing it fast.  She is a bit of a form control freak, and it's amazing.  Yesterday she told me that I looked like a little old man doing my backward sprints and to straighten up.  She gives you a hard time, but it's out of love.  She can take it as much as she gives it, which is always a good personality trait.  Plus, she's a bit of a badass.

Do you enjoy group classes?  Which one is your favorite?


  1. Your circuit class sounds awesome! I don't take classes but I have before. My favorites are spin and Zumba. I looooove burpees.

    1. Ahhh! My two least favorite classes! In Zumba I feel like a total idiot since I have no sense of rhythm and in spin I spend the entire time wish I were dead or that my legs would just fall off! But secretly, I love spin. When it's over!

  2. That class sounds awesome - and the instructor seems really great. Fun and knowledgeable - perfect combo!!

    1. It really is the perfect combo! She's amazing.

  3. Your class sounds fabulous. I am not much of a class person but I do like working out with people from time to time. I would definitely enjoy your class because I need my work outs to be broken up. I do love to run but when it comes to doing body weight exercises or lifting it has to be a variety for me or I get really bored!!!!
    Glad you are enjoying your class :)

    1. I bet you'd be a class person if you went with me! ;-) It's a totally fun atmosphere.

  4. I love those type of workouts that leave you sore for days! I'd like to get back into doing some classes once marathon season winds down... ;)

    1. I looooove them! My shoulders are currently super sore. Every time I move my arms, I am reminded of the workout yesterday.

  5. I've decided that more than burpees, I hate pike ups and walking pike ups. OMG so much hate. But like...in a love way, you know?

    I love T25 because of the circuits. They keep me guessing and they make the workout feel fast!
